Farmer-members receive credits, or "tree currency", for tree planting and maintenance. With these credits, they can receive organic crop seed, tools, agricultural training, among other services. This way, SFA's program promotes both sustainable agroforestry and community socioeconomic development.

Planting trees provides one service in accessing seeds for food crops such as maize, beans and peanuts. Seed banks are also present which provide farmer-replenished seed supply.
In 2022, our farmers exchanged farming credits for around 62,300 lbs of SEED for food crops. 18 new seed banks were introduced that also contributed to the seed supply replenished by farmers.
Orchards with fruit trees are also planted for farmers and we have had 107 orchards planted for our farmers to use throughout our farms.
The more trees that are planted, the more farmers credits they earn and can also exchange for tools such as hoes and pickaxes that are used for the land.
Since 2022, 7,000 TOOLS have been distributed and exchanged with farmer credits that farmers have accessed.

Smallholder Farmers Alliance values TRAINING in farming, and so far we have done 168 training sessions to improve farmer agricultural techniques.
SFA has helped 74 farmer groups that were helped to restructure to become more effective farmer associations.
We also have 140 Konbit volunteer teams of neighbors helping neighbors on their farms.