Farmers united to help feed and reforest Haiti
Smallholder Farmers Alliance (SFA) members throughout Haiti grow, transplant and look after trees to earn credits, or ‘tree currency’, which gives them access to crop seed, tools, training, microcredit loans and a range of other agricultural services. The entire agroforestry operation is run on organic principles, while the SFA’s cotton farmers are pioneering a new regenerative methodology.
Our Programs
Farmer Cooperatives
Creating farmer-managed businesses with a triple bottom line: planting trees, increasing food production and improving farm livelihoods.
SFA Microfinance
Business training and loans to women farmers to assist them with creating and managing secondary business ventures such as the food stall shown here.
Reintroducing Cotton Export
A feasibility study is underway to explore the possibility of reintroducing cotton as a smallholder export crop.
Legal Reference
The SFA is organized as a Foundation under the laws of Haiti, is identified by NIF#: 000-049-555-8 and with its principal place of business at 62, rue Geffrard (angle rue Chavannes), HT 6140, Pétion-Ville, Haiti.